Monday 29 April 2013

That Undiluted Soul

As we grow older
We see things corroding
Like an old house
It's not just our receding hairlines
Or the criss-crossing wrinkles on our faces
We go throw so many seasons in life
That corrodes our soul
A point comes when we realise
The person we saw in our childhood
Has washed away by the waves
And we stand on the pristine shore of our lives
Barely able to recognize our own faces
People come to our life
Attracted by glitz, astonished by humanity
They smile, they sway to our words
And when we lose our voice
They walk away silently
Like deaf and muted audience
We travel to the heights of the skies
Dreamt about the depths of silent seas
And we realise that there is only one thing
Just one thing that we actually need in life
That undiluted soul
Whom we can bare our confused soul
Who revives our lost childhood dreams
Who let us acknowledge our own truths
Beside whom we can write our stories
And sing the songs of our hearts.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

This Hour


My silent soul is awake
the stars motionless in the gliding distance
twinkles in its voiceless beauty.

The night is frozen in its deep silence
silence of the winter weariness.

The deserted lane, drenched in a black paint
occasionally gets inflicted by the sudden
faraway thoughts of the faraway lights.

My heart donned in its dramatic charade
clings about you
wrapping you from every corners
cocooning you into my sub consciousness
in all the visible and invisible forms
inhaling you into my memory.

My love, I want to take you to the faraway places
to the unknown towns and unknown streets
unknown mountains and unknown skies
to unlearn the lessons of the past
be reborn again and again with you.

You are the luminous woman
who lives beside me
whom in my close encounters
I mistaken as my own breath.

When you sleep, I sleep my sleep
when you dream, I dream my dream
when you love me, I love myself.

When you open your cloudy eyes
to the touch of my trailing fingers
over your invisible freckles
I see the world I belong in your eyes
beautiful cloudy world.

I know I’ll kiss those eyes
your lips and your face
and when you smile at yourself
to my kisses
I know you love me
and that’s the only thing I know
this hour.

Sunday 9 December 2012


The classroom is filled up,

People and their muttering retreats,

I sit here in a corner,

Watching and pretending to read,

I close my eyes and think of you.

My heart seems to float up,

In a pretend to find you again...

To fill up the gaps in my moments...

I long to hear your cackling laughter,

In a wish to be a part of your laughter!

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Everybody is lost in their own world,
Inside me thrives the anxieties of a drunken man,
Sadness has arrived at my doorsteps to engulf my heart
Clouds of distress are hovering around my eyes
And my eyes have got moistened with it.

The road before me looks pathless
It has lost it’s destination and leads nowhere
I am here to walk to my home all alone
The road talks to me in its silence
The road is my only companion in this dark.

The moon is there peeping from the sky,
Whenever I see the moon, it reminds me of my loneliness
Whenever I see it, it brings to my mind
Those lost dreams, lost lives and lost love;
Things that came to my life, just to depart.

While walking in the daylight’s scorching sun
My heart is nothing but a particle of dust
Constantly stamped on by the people passing the road
Sometimes tries to rise but settles on the same place,
The place from where it formed.

My heart finds peace in the deep forests
Where the sun showers it’s long rays-
Filtering through the gaps of the leaves
There, exactly there, my heart rests in the solace of the shade
To find the gentle love of darkness and the brightness.

Near the river bank, my heart murmers with the river
Sings along with the melody of the boatman’s heart
Silences with the sad looking dark mountains
Settles along with the setting sun and
Calms down with the quietness of the night life.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Fazed Dreams

                       FAZED DREAMS


Is it your voice that I hear in this lonely night?

Was it your voice that woke me up from my sleep?

Was it your gait that keeps me holding on?

Was it your face that I saw today with a half smile?

Was it your absence that makes me sad inside?

Is it your company that I am longing tonight?

Hard to figure out which is more silent- this night or you?

Was it my fault to assume things my own way?

Or was it your pride that took over the sweetness?

Was the oasis a mirage in the desert?

Are you hiding yourself from me beneath your lies?

Are all these my fazed dreams about you and me?





Nights Like This

Nights Like This


Sometimes I steal away few moments from my eyes

At nights like this to think of you…


I wonder in amazement how your quiet words passes through

My still heart leaving behind this smile on my lips…


I never saw you, knew you but still when your thoughts

Crosses my mind at nights like this…


I feel myself falling softly towards a beautiful dream world

Where my life starts with you…





A Late Night Song

A Late Night Song


The moon is shining long and bright tonight,

My days were sullen and exhausting.

Been to places and people…

But now as the night has settled silently

Like dreams on an island…

My mind reflects back to the things

I heard from you…

It doesn’t need a reason

For a beautiful person to be remembered.

Your words are like an anchor

Holds my dreams and beliefs close by.

Just the thought of a future assured

Keeps me going each day…

I have found new ways to walk

Still your words keeps ringing in my ears…

Be back soon as I can’t keep smiling all the time…